Fatherland (Nemtsy)

Origin and Year: Russia, 2021 Director: Stas Ivanov
Runnning time: 2 x 50 min

Anton Eberhard is an outstanding journalist, a moral icon, and, as his girlfriend says, “Russia’s last hope”. He is known for his uncompromising exposure of local corruption relationships, is a star in his newsroom and has just published a book. But Anton also has debts, is cynical, vain and treats the women around him like an absolutist ruler. When he gets fired from his job and picks up his activist daughter from jail on the same day, his happy period ends. The Russian anti-hero drama, set in a city with an impenetrable wall of smokestacks on the horizon, tells of one man’s fall deep into a world whose darker shades he used to reveal in his articles. The surprisingly uncompromising series describes the contemporary Russia through the story of failing, grandiose men, disillusioned women and teenagers for whom protest is the most natural expression.